“Plush Leather Seats” - StevenKilledTheEgo & Seamstress
“Plush Leather Seats” is the second music video for the album “Last Man on Earth” and chronologically follows “RIP TO ALL MY FRIENDS”. Our main character continues his journey, accompanied by the musical talents of StevenKilledTheEgo, performing an upbeat, pop rap track, allowing The Boy to remove himself from his tragic reality. His delusions are ended as he approaches his destination - one of the last remaining space shuttles off of Earth.
Director - Dylan Pun
Producer - Mark Flanjak
Production Company - Simple Syrup
Director of Photography - Marc De Acetis
Production Designer/VFX - Domenique Arnold
Production Assistant - Peter Paszkiewicz
StevenKilledTheEgo - Steven Martinez
The Boy - Michael Turk
The Girl - Rizoma Alexandra
Shot on location in Phoenix, USA. Format: Digital on DJI Ronin 4D.