"Breathe” (2018)
“Breathe” tells the story of a man and his wife struggling to cope with the morbid state of a post-apocalyptic world. This film was co-directed by Dylan Pun and Zachary Hayden, although Dylan decided to go uncredited.
Director - Zachary Hayden (and Dylan Pun, uncredited)
DOP - Dylan Pun
Producer - Lucien Lu, Dylan Pun
1st AD, Associate Producer - Rowan Denis
Writer - Dylan Pun
Cast - Ryan Pugsley, Laura Mitchell
Camera Operator - Lucien Lu
Props/Costume - Spencer Goss
Editor - Dylan Pun
Original Score/Sound Design - Jackson Bell
VFX - Lucien Lu
Colourist - Marc De Acetis
Shot on location in Hope, BC, Canada. Format: Digital on Sony A7Sii.